
Which explains why they would allow their logo (which has to be approved every time) on a fluffy show like this. It seems like a last ditch PR move.

Well that would make for not very dramatic storytelling. Law Enforcement officers usually err on the side of caution and will shoot in half the situations they are shown to draw the gun in movies and TV.

This is without a doubt one of the best awful shows ever made…

The scandal was pretty much in line with Illinois politics.


Cultural Appropriation Gone MAD!

"The women luck out purely on the symbolic merit of needing to remake society elsewhere"

IF only America had the cartooning tradition Franco-phone Europe, we could have had someone like Jodorowski. He has written more comics now than made movies.

You know Kojima is one of the only few auteurs in games. He can make something like Metal Gear Solid 2, a video game about video games. It is wonderful how poignant and precise that game was and yet how it is still reinterpreted every day.

I wouldn't ask Stephen Hawking any questions out side of formal Q&A-type situations, because I don't personally know the guy.

It seems all these concerns about the infantalization of cinema stem from Jean Baudrillard's book. While I don't know the complete text of the book, as far as Hollywood is concerned, that shipped sailed with Star Wars 38 years ago.

Why do these Robot women have mamaries? and what can clearly be a vagina?

I do not know why people bring in sales into the comics conversation. Comic book market is driven by speculators. You hype the book up enough the speculators will come in droves to buy issue number 1, which is why Marvel keeps relaunching titles. Then all fall to retail attrition. It's all a big retail scam. Thor has

I'd recommend the original, Parinda, to anyone. It's one of the few Bollywood movies that aren't mind-numbing.

In typical Kotaku fashion, the article is just an excuse to plaster boobs on their site.

Harold should have trained the Machine on Go. Besides the Sliding Doors format, the episode has the character focus on the Machine. The game of chess is provides context for her choice. It's the magic of the show that this invisible omnipotent being is a fully-realized character. Also, liked the classic BASIC syntax

Of course, Duplass is casting the only Pakistani guy in hollywood in a movie about India…

Hey, I did not say he sucked, just too white. Also, your face!

I had not read that Matt Klickstein interview before, nor do I know who he is or was. I don't particularly care about Nickelodeon either. He is wrong; watching images of characters that look nothing like you creates an otherness to ideas, where kids believe that they can't achieve something because they are not

I am not a brand, I'm a free man.