I really appreciate Brad Pitt for trying in Se7en, but he misses the mark every time and it upsets me because I think that's a great film and he's a great actor, and he would probably be able to pull it off nowadays.
I really appreciate Brad Pitt for trying in Se7en, but he misses the mark every time and it upsets me because I think that's a great film and he's a great actor, and he would probably be able to pull it off nowadays.
I was talking about my friend, who's an aspy, to my dad, who interrupted me with a laugh and a "so he's a Sheldon?!"
Sheldon: Hey guys, what are you watching?
The infamous Boob song deserves its scorn, but don't be fooled. MacFarlane also encouraged all women to vomit until they're beautiful.
Infinite Jest turns into you after about 300 pages.
It ends with, "Woody Allen is a filmmaker in New York City."
Manhattan is one of the best films of the 20th century and the fact that he's dating a teenager in it used to feel sort of OK.
Disqus strikes again!
You can't make an omelette without cracking a few eggs, and humanity is just a cracked egg, and the omelette stinks.
You think he can use contractions?
You have none of my attention. Cardio!
Jane Horrocks!
I guess all I can say is that I think Please Don't Leave Me is a perfect song.
Kim Kardashian actually just really wants people to know that she's past film, but she'll never go digital.
At one point in that video, he says something like, "Looks like Mario is back!" He says it in a way that implies that everyone hated Mario 64, Galaxy, Galaxy 2, New Super Mario Bros. Wii, etc. and I found it really annoying.
Great comic books have storytelling advantages in aspects neither film nor prose literature can functionally reproduce. Obviously the same can be said of the other two mediums. I'd suggest either reading more about the medium so you can hone in on the books and writers you will enjoy, or accept that it's not for you…
While I agree and really do love the classics, I don't think it's unreasonable to point out that Miller's never really had a very broad scope as a writer. The claim that "he only had two or three good ideas" should maybe be amended to "his style is very limited." When he was writing well it worked out great for all…
Nobody commented on this?!
I have the exact same relationship with Jak II.
You'll see Kali… IN HELL.