
Nobody wants to see an accurate portrayal of a law firm, or a hospital, or a police station. Half of it would be about paperwork and another eighth would be checking Facebook.

The Imitatron Game

I took my AV Club handle from his column.

"I wonder if he means old Ben Nobottoms …"

You wanna talk about a musical revolution! Now there was a band.

This is a news item about an empty box.

I thought he was saying Country Grammar arrived by limo.

I thought we were supposed to conclude that humanity had evolved into those hyper-intelligent, telepathic beings, not that it was extinct.

I want to oblige but I looked him up and I just cannot.

When I was twelve, my friends and I weren't allowed into Dirty Work because it was PG13, so we went to Can't Hardly Wait instead. They've aged about the same.

Drake has never been more Drake and Madonna has never been more Madonna as when she bats his hand away and he doesn't know what to do with it so it just flutters around.

The G in NICEGUY should stand for Gentlesir.

I was hoping this was a reference to the CBC television program from the 90s, about the kid in the coma.