The only way a The Following finale could be "inevitably disappointing" is if it turns out to have been in witness protection and ends up returning for another season.
The only way a The Following finale could be "inevitably disappointing" is if it turns out to have been in witness protection and ends up returning for another season.
Francis Schmidt will take what is his with fire and blood, but he will take his sweet time, enjoy his sabbatical to tour the Middle East, and eventually he will get to it, probably. So, it's exactly like ASOIAF.
Now I hate all three of you.
We don't even know if he was talking about actual Manchego or about the cheese known as Manchego in 'murica.
There's no argument against that logic!
I think that The Following is one of those shows that they clearly must continue to cover, but no one reviewer should be tasked with it. Perhaps put the entire writing staff on it on rotation, or host a weekly Battle Royale-type lottery, or arrange for a steady stream of unpaid interns.
Sonia was clearly too depressed to muster the energy required to give an F about it.
The silver lining that comes with spending so much screentime with individual players who are too boring to justify this much screentime is that it can be months before you have to watch any one individual player who is too boring to justify whatever screentime he or she gets.
Plus, let's not forget that two thirds of Georgia has a population density of what, 20 people per square mile? I'm no expert, but I think that a small well-armed group could clear out several counties in a matter of days. Where do they keep coming from?
The reason no one has bothered to do it is because it would have made it obvious that someone must be busing in fresh zombies from several states over. Look at the demographics, people!
Having watched and enjoyed Stripes and/or Sgt. Bilko back in the day, and having summarily dismissed Enlisted as mildly amusing but supremely derivative and ultimately pointless after watching the Pilot, my (honest) question is: does it actually get better (as in, enough to justify all the A.V.Club-sponsored love), or…
Inflammable means flammable? What a country!
I had reached the same conclusion ("Touch never existed") halfway through episode 2.
I always assume that at least 50% of The AV Club's commentariat roofied themselves before logging in.
Not until he starts selling tickets, it's not.
Or, people who simply don't care about spoilers whether they plan to see the movie or not.
Had this been historically accurate, it would have probably featured mostly the yokels who decided to stick around, ride it out and do some looting while everyone else was away. What's the reverse of competence porn? Reality TV?
I'm scandalized right now, learning for the first time that such a thing as censored-for-television films even exist. Having grown up somewhere in Western Europe, I recall watching In the Realm of the Senses uncensored on State-funded public-access network TV on a school night.
2. "That Vince Gilligan is on fire right now. I bet cash money that he could pitch anything at all and some TV executive will eat it up."