
It's great to be able to promote restaurants on here. Who would have thought? Looks good, though.

I loved that music! But I know this comment will disappear!

Hey, somebody got somethin' against strombolis? Why was my comment removed?

Why eat a calzone when you can have a stromboli? Way more stuff!

Guess I stuck my foot in my mouth with that one.

You should tell them you're a pediofile.

There's a change.org petition to keep The Family going. I'd sign a petition to uphold the cancellation.

I thought maybe Jane and Adam had been conspiring against Doug. Maybe Jane secretly nursed Adam back to health and hid him after the fight with Doug. Maybe romance blossomed and Adam is the father of Jane's baby.

Wait, my husband just said Doug is dead. Who knows?

Think she confessed to her priest?

Doug is captured, not dead. But yeah, you're right, "you don't want that family back."

I think a lot of people quit watching when, early in the season, it was revealed that Adam was dead. I would rather had been left guessing until the season's end.

Guyliner is too pretty to be in jail.

Didn't Ben drop and break the glass in his picture frame when the dog surprised him? It got fixed pretty quickly.

Eeuw … but I wouldn't put it past her.

Willa is too mean to have a lover. Bridey should sleep with Nina. But then again, Nina is so stupid she would give sensitive info to Bridey, Bridey would publish it and Nina would lose her job. Maybe that would be a good thing. Really mad they've started to kill off the nice people on this show. Poor Gabe. And who's

I can't wait to see Danny's reaction when he finds out that both he and his sister slept with Bridey.

Ben took the key from the bunker, after it had been burned, so it can't be for the motel room, which Willa got for him.

Maybe Willa did it! She set up the fake DNA.

She framed Hank, so nobody was looking for her brother while he was alive for 10 years. If someone hadn't been convicted and sent to jail, Adam might have been found. That's probably the worst thing Willa did.