I want Mindy to FORCE him out, the way he did her - out of the family, out of his house. Danny is a jerk!
I want Mindy to FORCE him out, the way he did her - out of the family, out of his house. Danny is a jerk!
Harsh, but LOL.
Right on!
Thank you! Gosh, I was reading all these gushing comments about this "A" rated episode thinking myself crazy because I thought it was AWFUL!!? Danny is an absolute jerk anymore and it pains me that Mindy is sort of stuck with him. I didn't laugh and I didn't cry, not for the intended reasons anyway.
LOL This is embarrassing.
I love their dynamic - that they're different. Ilanas act just feels forced at times. Only feeling it this season. Still adore them both.
She IS great!! Just maybe forces it sometimes.
"Manholes" may have been a more fitting name for this episode.
I had to think about "Knockoffs".
I've thought the same of Ilana this season. The twerk dance, as impressive as it was, was the weakest moment of the episode for me. She was my fav in season 1 - still love her, but she's borderline irritating lately. (I'm sorry.)
I related to this; have said the same thing to my mom.
I thought it was a dream, too. He'd never seen her favorite tv show and wanted to watch the boxed set, with her. *swoon*
Perfect, gerwalk!
I also thought Bingo Bronson was a tooth.
You and roare93 may be onto something - Season 1 was like a fun, fresh, new relationship………… and then Abbi peed a condom. Magic and mystery squashed. Enter relationship doldrums: Season 2.
Haha Most likely to accommodate more of her foot, which she really crammed in there a lot last night.
Yoga mom was not at all zen.
Ha! Thanks to you, I just now got the joke.
Here, too… and then laughed pretty hard. Abbi's face was so funny; looked like she was on the verge of laughter, too.