
Paws vidaniya

Ask and you shall receive…

Doesn't sound sad to me…sounds like my daily routine. I like dogs better than most people. When I see them driving in a car, I wave, & the dogs & people look at me like I'm a complete whackadoodle.
But I do not GAF…I love dogs. ;)

Agreed, but it is more proof that the world is upside down…Cubs won the World Series, an internet troll is POTUS, and a polite Tim Horton's-loving, bacon-eating hockey fan Canuck is a GOAT Sniper?! ;)

In case you didn't know, Canada did make military history this week…one of your snipers killed an ISIS militant from 2 miles away.

I don't listen to his voice…I press mute on the TV when he comes on, and I don't click on videos that he's in. I've only heard mere seconds of him speaking since Nov.

The answer is clear:

I see from that picture that Drumpf is talking about the size of his member again…

They've hit a Grand Slam!

Leftover Mexican food FTW!!!

NO, baby sloths or GTFO! ;)

The best of both worlds…

Arizona…where your sunburn is as red as the state.

HA! 8:45am & ONLY 100 degrees!

And she's just a cold fish…there's nothing there.

Ummmmmm, come here to AZ…they are ubiquitous. I wasn't even out of my home for 5 mins yesterday before I saw 2 InfoWars tshirts. One had HRC as a snake on the front. I also saw a car magnet that said. "PROUD DEPLORABLE."

Alan Rickman :-(

Here in AZ, they're all excited about a Jackson Pollack someone found last month…

Which Target? The one closest to me is Christown…it's always a crapshoot. ;-)