
If having 3 white grandparents and one Filipina grandparent makes you half, then he's half.

No, Rhythm is gonna get you.

In his mind, he doesn't need a tailor because he's so awesome that everything looks tremendous on him.

That's not exactly true, as his ego is hurt by any type of rejection. He's a malignant narcissist.

The one & only previous time?

Then you missed Manny wearing one when the girl kissed Luke…

I get what you're saying, but FYI, it's on at 1035p for me in MST…

And on Cinco de Mayo?! I thought Trump "loved Hispanics?"

Yup! I have an 85 year old lady in my 'hood who calls Trump a "fuckstick" and says it's all a "bunch of horseshit." HA! ;)

All you have to do is question his net worth…

Erich Fromm came up with the term "malignant narcissist" to attribute to Hitler. It's a combo of narcissistic, paranoid and antisocial personality disorders. (Plus some sadism.)

Happy Cinco De Mayo! The best taco bowls are made in Trump Tower Grill. I love Hispanics!

She bang! She bang!

It's now a Ryan Seacrest Production, with Disney/ABC distribution…

Trump is a freaking moron. You know how I know? Even these adolescents and their badass sign know it! THAT'S HOW MUCH YOU SUCK, TRUMP!

I found Lewis…he's a shrink at Chicago Med!

I like the way wifey thinks! ;-)

Si, EPN es muy guapo! :)

HA! I"m laughing at the fact that 10 mins ago, I opened the door to take my pup out, and there was a Gila Monster at my door. I didn't expect to come here and see someone mention that creature! ;-)

FYI, he's already dead…