
It's already been cancelled. It's dreadful.

Yeah, I think you're pretty much on the money.

Exactly. The show made a *point* of repeating that she's a non-equity partner. Gee, maybe now sh

^This this this.


I agree that the show is fantastic. But because the "A" plot revolved around the ever-shrinking jury alternate pool and the spectre of a looming mistrial was significant, it wasn't a small thing for me. I'm sure I could look it up on my own, but I really was frustrated that the show didn't explain it. Thank you so

I agree that the show is fantastic. But because the "A" plot revolved around the ever-shrinking jury alternate pool and the spectre of a looming mistrial was significant, it wasn't a small thing for me. I'm sure I could look it up on my own, but I really was frustrated that the show didn't explain it. Thank you so

Agreed. I had the same thoughts throughout the scenes related to it. I don't understand why she wouldn't move heaven and earth to get a mistrial at this point. Was it hubris - she wanted to win? It would be highly unlikely that she would be the prosecutor on a retrial, for example. Was it that she believed that

The Hidden One and Pandora are the Boris Badenov and Natasha of this show, but Moose and Squirrel, as usual, spend almost the entire episode apart. I need them fighting together

Stephen King is an executive producer of this show. I think he read the book.

Same here, exactly.

Those are obvious points - which the episode beat like a dead horse into melodrama.

Unlike the reviewer, I hated the last line and rolled my eyes when Scully said it. First, giving up a child to keep him safe is a huge act of love and as far from "throwing him out" as one can get. Second, on top of how ludicrous it was, it was melodrama of the highest order. This episode, ugh, just no. The themes on

Dairy farming and lactation are actually not that simple. Modern farmers use EL, or extended lactation techniques, to prolong good milk production, and heifers lactate longer than cows, and every animal is different. But good milk production only lasts around 60 days after calving and progressively tapers off over the


I really miss the sonic screwdriver. Sonic sunglasses are not going to line up nicely with my screwdriver collection.


Exactly. Which says to me that it would be much the same type of thing in LA. instead the show gives us a dozen safe areas set up and orderly food distribution and so on - I just find it so unlikely. Except perhaps in an alternate universe - the same one where "zombies" don't exist in popular culture, I guess.

I believe the infected removed themselves from the scene.
