
That's how I view it. Basically, in my opinion, after the flying scene, he becomes so divorced from reality that he becomes convinced that whatever insane shit he does, he will get praised for it. The last scene is still confusing, though. I think that in that moment Riggan is satisfied because he received acceptance

I'm actually afraid of playing that. I mean, look at that and tell me this is not of the most nightmare-inducing moments in gaming - https://www.youtube.com/wat…

Could you recommend one English-translated Fire Emblem game for starting out?

That's also na idea!

Let me say something totally random: playing Dragon Age made me realize that I want an RPG in which the first quest is clearing someone's basement from miniature dragons and the last boss fight is with a gigantic rat.

The new season premiere of The Americans - pretty good, but perhaps slightly too low-key to be very entertaining. I know this is a methodical kind of show, but second season managed to begin with a bang, so I was expecting a similar thing here. I don't doubt the season will soon become thrilling though.

"I’m honestly finding Alistair way more annoying than I did Carth or
Kaidan. He jokes around but gets all sad-sack if you tease back. With
those two, I felt like I had to seek them out to hear them mope, whereas
Alistair is a chatty cathy. He has some occasional hits, but it also
gives him plenty of opportunity to be

Thanks for the encouragement! However, I think I should play something else (maybe Mega Man 2? At least it has passwords) and come back after some time, because now it's not that fun anymore. But it seems like I'm so close!

Contra - in this case, the new way for me is the old way, i.e. playing without save states. I beat it on emulator with saves and actually tried to memorise all the levels so I could later easily breeze through it without saves. However, now that I actually embarked upon this endeavour, I find myself constantly making

And Martindale sells the hell out of Claudia's softer side!

Claudia may be my favourite character on the show, and it's in large part thanks to Ms Martindale. The writing itself is very good, but the way she squeezes two hundred percent from every line she was given was something else.

Maybe the, um, Americans simply feel uncomfortable sympathising with KGB spies, especially considering Russia's recent shenanigans (actually I'm not sure how much the US public opinion gives a crap about that? Here, in Poland, it's pretty much THE hot topic)? Walter White was a bastard, but God damn it, at least he

In this case, the crazy sci-fi plot twists made the will-they-or-won't much more compelling. In sitcoms, where there are no stakes, the constant romantic back-and-forth often makes the characters look childish. Here, we have actual external obstacles that made it very difficult for the characters to get together. It

Buffy season five, up to "Into the woods" - mixed feelings. I would not say the show got worse, but it's not nearly as fun as it was in the high school seasons. "The Replacement" and "Fool for Love" were great and I have no issues with the character work, but the energy that made even the worst episodes of earlier

Obviously, I think asking her for a date will be more effective than this kind of vague come-on. But still, if we actually got together, she could come over to my place and we could play together, which would be super sweet!

Funny/pathetic story: there is a girl in my study group with whom I have a good chemistry, based on both us being embarassingly nerdy. At least my friends tell me so! I find her cute and funny. However, we are both too hopelessly shy to actually try to make things, um, accelerate?

If there is one thing that bothers me in TDKR, which I find a lot of fun
(it helps that I had low expectations…), it is that it seemed like
Gotham was a city state completely autonomous from United States. I
mean, a terrorist takes over one of the major American cities and the
government does not even react?