
I'm more of a cocktail-type of guy. I sure make a mean Old Spanish.

My friends went over to Europe and they brought back a magazine called Piss Drinkers magazine. Now what was really creepy about it was: this was issue 8, volume 22 of Piss Drinkers. It’s a 22-year-old magazine.

While drinking a Heisler, to boot.

Wasn't based in a French film?

Don't say anything about diddling kids, you only make us sound more suspicious!

Littlen Dansen Man?

From what I've read, seems to be the Wind Waker one since they mention the Korok and the Rito.

Why doesn't Conan give up on talk host duties and just do travel specials, like Michael Palin?

Yeah, the fact they pretty much tells you about the twist upfront helps.

I saw The Truman Show with my class a few months ago. It's still solid, despite certain technological changes.

Living under Chavez in Venezuela made me thought it was something of a bygone era. Turns out he was the harbinger of the future. Go figure.

JoNAH RAy takES CAre of thE PLACe whiLE THE ORiginAL HOst is aWAY.

Is that beer?

Bob Roberts or bust.

I saw this movie as a kid and it has haunted me ever since. I wish I was in the US just to have the chance to see it.

Of course it's a cardboard box, you can't slide a hardon inside a cardboard cutout. Duh!

This, so much.

The Power Rangers guy?

Is there any proof he's not pulling a Springtime for Hitler-type of scam?

Will Mel Gibson be Blue Demon?