
Oh, I'm crying. Crying!

Fun fact, Frank Stallone audtioned to play Henry Chinaski in Barfly.

Also in that David Lynch flick.

I thought this would only be possible in dreams.

I can't see Man From The South lasting a season-long arc, unless that's quite a number of tries for a lighter.

Does this mean we should expect lots of blondes getting casted?

Apart from race and gender, anyone notice there seem to be no recurring Springfield people between the ages of 15 and 35 outside the squeaky-voiced teen and probably Otto?

*Pulls lever to watch CHiPs*

I think I saw someone playing this game on the Super NES.

It definitely shaped and cemented the mainstram perspective on LGBT people in many ways, some positive and others negatively. It would probably have helped to have more characters on the spotlight that weren't mainly white, homosexual, cisgender males but as you pointed out, it's overtly easy to make those kind of

I guess because most of its humor was far more bound to current topics than those two examples you mention. Like, I remember jokes on Christina Aguilera and The Rosie O'Donnell Show.

There was an episode of "Yes, Dear" about this with a cameo of Steve himself.

Becoming an USMC shooter really does wonders.

I'm kinda surprised Trump didn't make a cameo apperance on WAG back in the day.

You had me at "Cum" but lost me at "Patter".

Can't wait to see the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air reunion without Will Smith where Carlton laments the GOP didn't pick Ben Carson.

As a queer male who saw his first recurring non-straight characters watching this show without my family known I must agree with both statements. Yet, as any good camp, it has a weird ironic/endearing watching factor.

Good lord, if it wasn't for the iPads in the first scene I would have sworn this was shot circa 2003.

Something about Jennifer Jason Leigh, I think.

Same here with my kid sister.