Khan Vitton Lulurouge

The only Simpsons quote fitting for Brexit:

Of course the people who will die the first in the future anyway decided to fuck that said future up. The stupid and anxious are always the one to be instrumentalized by a small group of privileged because they're angry at another small group of privileged.

Wow that cast list sounds amazing. 3 villains sounds heavy and I guess this means more action sequences and less character development. But Spider-Man is already an established hero in the MCU so when his solo movie comes out the rogue gallery should be already filled up. My guess is on Tombstone for Bokeem Woodbine's

The recap shows from TWD are crap so let's all stay with The AV Club. Still can't wait for season 2 of Mr.Robot.

Is this even a joke for me to get or do you just want to be mean?

That whole AI storyline was so shallow and self-pretentious. They thought putting as much philosophical thematics in badly written dialogue and adding in violent scenes would somehow make it seem deep and smart. Hoping people wouldn't notice that it was a discount mix up of great works like BSG, Matrix or GoT.

Considering that Vinyl was supposed to be HBO's next big franchise since GoT is ending soon this is indeed ironic. Spending GoT budget on a show focused on one whiney white dude and his problems was just savagely risky. Which demographic did they actually thought would be interested in this premise?

Caviezel had me in that episode as the right leading man.

Yes Paige Turco missed all of THIS in order to hang herself and hugging Henry Ian Cusick. Nonetheless POI was still the superior show with an AI storyline.

That was one hell of a season finale. Everything wrapped up nicely.

In her teenage moody rebellion craze she probably just wanted to make a badass exit to show off.

Wun Wun's death could have easily been avoided with armor and having a weapon. I would have love to see him ravaging King's Landing.

Jon is an awful fighting field commander. Despite being bad at politics Robb wouldn't have fallen for that Rickon ploy. Though the battle itself looked epic and grandiose everyone should be thankful that Sansa came with the Vale army to save their asses.

Trump would need an actual successful self-made business entrepreneur to be his running mate considering his failures as a businessman.

I adore Natalie Dormer and everytime she's on screen. She made the tv Margaery version much more compelling and interesting than the book version. You never know with her whether she's doing it because it's the right thing, to further her plans or it being both. This season may be a bit meager for her in terms of

That Clarke/Jasper conversation could have just cut the whole freedom/choice talk completely. The strongest part for me was about pain and love. When Jasper talks about heartbreak, looks straight at Lexa and then tells Clarke ‚None of that exists here‘ and they show her face. That is where you could see Clarke

I didn’t found the finale A- worthy at all. It was the weakest finale in the whole series. Not devastating like the cast said unless they cut out a lot which would explain the unevenness of this episode.

Depending on interpretation you might get me a stupid Lexa decision. But I'm severely interested in your list of selfish and xenophobic decisions by her.

For me they are trying to set up a redemption through Clarke because she’s the protagonist and much liked. And they’re banking or hoping on leading the audience in the direction that if Clarke is okey with his behavior this season the audience should ‚slowly learn how to forgive‘.

Definitively agree on Bellamy not being OOC in this season. It’s just that he is unfortunately one of the protagonists on the centre which means unlike GoT where I merely ignore characters that annoy me I have to watch him for the most part since he’s so integrated into the main storyline. And it’s really souring down