Still, it was good. I have a little keyboard.
See, I gave you another one.
Still, it was good. I have a little keyboard.
See, I gave you another one.
You and I are basicly on the same page, it really comes down to free speech and respect for others to express their opinion. The real question is, how do you support free speech without offending someone.
Good talking with you.
True, as a MRA I have heard some good ones! Mostly I just get called a woman hating loser, it's really about all they got.
The best thing I said and the best thing you said. The MRAs first problem is to get off Starwars and that's why I'm here.
Start with university of Toronto protest against a talk on male suicide, then Janice Fiamengo.
The question is, how much humor is there in insults?
I was a feminist at one time and the primary objectives were worth everyone supporting. Now look around and see that the movement has achieved much of it's gains by attacking men. The attacks worked, but maybe too well. Boys are losing in school, start there. Forget MRAs, forget feminism, start with boys and how they…
Changed it to full.
I am open to a new name but it's difficult. The main issues are about issues that are facing mostly men. Father are ridiculed today, -not all fathers are bad. Men commit suicide at very high rates, -men need this issue talked about. Over 90% of workplace deaths are men, most of the homeless are men. Boys are falling…
If only one goes there, we will grow. People respect a call for equality and fairness. Laugh at us and we will grow, lie about us and we will grow. Look at your childish comments on this article and you may understand why men and women from all walks of life are tired of humor and lies replacing logic and respect.
Return of kings is not an MRA site. Can you find anything from AVFM or similar sites? This is important stuff, this is a movement for equal rights for everyone. Everyday more women, gays, trans, and people of every walk of life are joining.
Still nothing in support of the article! We are getting to ironic, if we aren't there already.
Were are the quotes from MRAs?
All rights matter, respect matters.
Anything else?
It is ironic that an article cliaming that MRAs are saying things doesn't give a link to any of it.
True MRAs support trans women, trans men, and all others. They are not feminist only because the MRA supports full equlity and free speech.