The Doctor

Oh I'm setting my DVR for The Great Pumpkin!

Kirk Cameron needs to choke on a large sausage.

Gillian Anderson, like fine wine, gets better as she ages.

I'm sure her last episode will be the Christmas episode.

When I first saw Maisie, I thought it was Amanda Abbington. I got excited. Then I put my glasses on and I wasn't excited. :(

An apt description of this film.

Too much work. I'd rather travel to the moon with the disruptive influence.

That estimate seems too low.

I noticed that as well! I'm glad I wasn't the only one who noticed that.

Meh. Those elements I pointed out were some flaws that were hard to overlook and they were a distraction to the overall story.

Oscar Wilde would be awesome.

"And did the doctor say he lived with otters after a argument with River? Did I hear that correctly?"

Eh. This episode was my least favorite from this season. The baddie wasn't much of a baddie. The disruptive influence was kind of annoying. Clara blurting out that she loved Danny was a bit soap operaish. And what was with that cheesy somersault? Ugh. However, Danny and Clara weren't as annoying, which was a plus.

Weren't the weeping angels started by Russell T.?

It's what I do.

Don't blink.
Don't breathe.
Don't think.

I can finally sleep at night.

We're not supposed to know. That was the point of the episode.