
Are you trying to turn Disney Princesses into full blown Hentai? I mean seriously most of the female characters off of Game of Thrones have to strip naked for fan service purposes. And when does Lilo count as a Disney Princess? Or that other old woman from Mulan what's she doing there.

More like adult suicide at 34, shot himself.

No it's Tom Hiddleston.

Or shudder that duck out of Howard the Duck the movie,
"Duck Breasts is all I have to say. It's just her character dangerously flirts with being furry porn.

Well, hopefully this is not another urber-depressing movie like Precious where we get fathers raping their teenage daughters.

But will there ever be a Back in action related game is the question that Joe Dante has to ask.

How you feel about that fool Football player playing you in that big screen version of the A-Team, There's only one B.A. Baracus, and that's you not this fool Quinton Jackson.

Lines of dialogue from other Murray movies are fed into, he starts saying lines from Stripes, Meatballs, Caddyshack, Scrooged.

I know, he watches too much TV.

The Day after Tomorrow: THE MUSICAL.

Bad Irony about Heathers the movie anyway is that the guy who played Peter Dawson in it actually did kill himself in 2000.


Really, Spider-Man 3 the nadir of the character's history? Yeah it's a disappointing movie, but the absolute nadir of his history? And comparing this to One More Day? Wow, low blow there. No one compares Spider-Man 3 to One more day! Spider-Man 3 is disappointing, but not earth changing awful like One More Day or

Eye of the tiger is sung during a training scene in a gym.

Actually the one I truly don't like is their recent movie, Inside Llewyn Davis or as I call it the Coen Brothers snoozefest.

But Tom Hanks!??

I know, you mean the show right.

Rocky sings Hearts on Fire while training on a snow covered set.

Yes I forgot what name it was. I was tempted to put female Bunny with oversexualized breasts and ass.

Refeed old jokes from Ghostbusters 1 and 2 and he's good as new.