Boy Howdy

There are small incentives, but nothing like killstreak bonuses. You'll unlock build options at specific levels or for completing weapon challenges, so the better you do, the quicker those unlocks come.

There's numbers, but one of the things I really like is that there's room for everyone to contribute in their own way.

Yeah, assuming you're reasonably good at targeting, if you can hold a pilot in your sights for long enough to get a full lock with the smart pistol, you'd probably already have killed them with a different weapon. It doesn't take much to bring down a pilot in this game.

I just figured everyone knows that crocodiles flourished after the meteor hit because all of the other predators were staggering around with ruptured eardrums. With their lack of ears, crocodiles were immune.

There are crocodile wikis that have survived, essentially unedited, for a hundred million years.

"I think we should retire 'Phrasing!' What do you think, Other Adam?"

Even the most ancient crocodile species are no match for one kick of his mighty cyborg legs.

From interviews I've read, it's much easier on the artists when they have locations and outfits that they've used previously. So the globe-trotting mission episodes are generally harder (phrasing!) than the ISIS office ones, because there's an extra level of work required.

Well, the numbers look smaller when you're only talking about guaranteed money.

At first, those two things seemed like an odd pairing.


I'm so glad someone else thought that. I was waiting for more Sneakers references (I was thinking maybe a reference to "information" when talking about the value of the textbooks).

Pipe vs. lightsaber duel, please.

I'll turn in my badge and gun.

But the "trench run to reach an exhaust port" plan still works.

I'm pretty sure the bodice-ripper-on-tape was Will's.

She saw what happened to Leonard Pierce.

It's the name Darren Sharper used on his prescription refills.

I'd like to think we're building towards a "flashback" of Terry smashing whiskey barrels during Prohibition.

"You just perceived that as being over too quickly, honey. On account of all the pleasure."