
You're focusing on the feud aspect of their complicit nature and I was more looking at playing into situations that the Hollywood machine throws at them. For example, Crawford making her contract negotiation into an implied sexual relationship with her new "Daddy." Or Crawford playing the two gossip columnists off of

…and you have to give props to Allison Williams. She's entirely unafraid to appear unlikable in her characters. To put this another way, if AW went for a softer take on Marnie, the series wouldn't work as well as it should.

Also, the trippy garden caftan thing that Crawford wears by her pool is EVERYTHING.


To be fair, they are both reacting to Hannah's piece about them. This, of course, doesn't take into account how shitty Adam and Jessa were the prior season to Hannah, and doesn't let either of them off the hook for being horrible people, but this seems like a "not-too-bright, horrible people" reaction to Hannah's

In context, the "what are you, red" comment is just horrifying, considering the HUAD-McCarthy stuff recently destroyed many Hollywood careers.

Feud: Naya and Lea.

There's this incredibly complicated situation that this episode is trying to unpack, and it's fascinating to watch Ryan Fucking Murphy, of all people, succeed at doing it. There's was probably one too many scenes hammering down the indecency, manipulation, and misogyny inherent in pitting Crawford and Davis against

She hated kids. That makes her mine.

This was the season where buffy made a ton of boring-as-hell speeches to a gaggle of potential buffys, repetitively, for 20-some-odd episodes, yes? bleh.

The scene of the two of them dancing together in The Bronze before Faith accidentally kills the Mayor's assistant is just such an icon of the times for me. And the song "Curve" by Chinese Burn, is just divine.

That season, probably more than any other Buffy seasons, was just so incredibly tight with plot and focus. It just completely killed it on a consistent basis. I think season 2 is probably where Buffy became great, and there's that terrific Buffy/Angel/Angelus storyline, but, at least for me, Season 3 is the bomb.

He also headlined a Broadway musical (with Jodi Benson, aka Ariel in The Little Fucking Mermaid,) in 1992 called Crazy For You. He's mad talented.

Hysterically, Buffy with Breasts, or Charmed, didn't make this list. (Not that Charmed was a good show, but seriously. It was on the air for a decade and it clearly is a Buffy-like-clone.)

Even though the episode was completely stupid, the episode where Buffy tries to kill Principal Wood with a rocket launcher or something while Spike and Zander tackle her outside the office makes me laugh ever damned time.

[Ghost Indian transforms into a large bear while fighting Buffy]

That episode was brilliant. SMG's face when she registers the truth in what he's saying is just great acting.

God, that movie. Sucked.

OMG, fuck that! I go to the gym 4 times a damned week and that's like Joan Crawford levels of fitness nuts.

It was NUTS.