I think it's safe to say that Team TV DC Comics is overextended this year. Perhaps launching two series at once was too much, too soon.
I think it's safe to say that Team TV DC Comics is overextended this year. Perhaps launching two series at once was too much, too soon.
Can we throw James into that sausage-fest? Thanks!
Yeah…but this team of SCIENTISTS, REPORTERS, DETECTIVES, and FORENSIC SPECIALISTS are totally just going to let go of the idea that somewhere in their universe there's a pair of near-omnipotent aliens who may or may not live on the planet? Come the fuck on.
It also flies entirely into the entire motivation for Barry to open up a breach to Earth-2 in the first place, which is to SAVE a world THAT'S NOT HIS FROM this very same MASS-MURDERING MANIAC. To use Trek, if the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one (which certainly seems to be powering Barry's…
Why, that was Hannigan's House of Depressed Orphans and Advanced Sciences. Duh.
Eh. Not buying that. They made him out to be like OJ Simpson. At the very least, Wells might have had the "hey, you look just like that dude from The Naked Gun who probably killed his wife and all…you know…from the NON-STOP MEDIA COVERAGE?"
Fun fact: both The CW and CBS are owned by the same company (CBS,) so they could talk about the other show, really.
To say nothing of completely avoiding the doppleganger question, as there's no doubt some version of Supergirl and Superman on Barry's earth, yes?
I was half-expecting that little boy to become the Penguin, as played by Danny Devito.
Dear SHIELD: turn on some fucking lights!
Can we talk about how unbelievably BAD Zoom's "high on Barry's speed" scream/insano-face was? That was like Alyssa Milano on Charmed levels of total suck.
I'm entirely tickled that Zoom apparently comes from Tim Burton's Batman universe, and that he was raised in the X-Mansion.
"The moment I saw you standing there in that abortion of a dress.. It was as if to say "This is what I've got, world. It's hideous, but it's mine."
I love Spy, and I get that it takes place in "Movie Land," but there are moments in that film where I can see the outlines of a better movie. It's still very funny.
The bit about the Face-Off machine makes me guffaw at the telly every damned time. Every. Damned. Time.
…I would have bought that, but the rage, man. Both of them are so into Hannah it's sick.
Well, that entire fight…on both sides, was about Hannah. Clearly, neither of them are "over" her. And yes, the relationship IS basically doomed because neither of them are post-Hannah.
I agree with you regarding past claims over people you aren't with anymore. In this instance, I think that the massive fight revealed that—even without intent—Hannah is causing nuclear meltdowns. At least to me, that fight was less about "how fucked up in love WE are" and more about "how both of us are still not over…
That's Neelix, from Star Trek: Voyager. Anyone who had to deal with Kes would obviously go gay.
And yet…Madonna.