
I vacillate on the nudity, in that I personally don't enjoy looking at Lena Dunham's nude form, and I find it dubious that some of the men she's "got" on the show would, either.

Also, props to Jessa for rocking the Ellen Barkin "Sea of Love" blouse.

Her pronunciation of Ecuador was PERFECTION. Never has an entire character's CORE been summarized so effectively. Not since Shannen Doherty's "fuck it" in Heathers, anyway.

Yeah, I'm actually glad they did this, if only because HIV rates of infection are on the rise, as well as those of other STDs. In DC, for example, it's like 1 in 3 gay men.

Also, if you're engaged in sexual activity, the onus is on YOU to take whatever steps you need to protect yourself. Because (a) the other partner isn't responsible for you and (b) people lie. Which leads us to (c) if you want to fuck ANYONE, you should take the steps you need to in order to feel comfortable with your

To be fair, Ian's limited experience with regards to the Wide World of Gay is his own fault, in that if he really wanted to meet and greet a circle of young gays IN CHICAGO outside of the neighborhood, he could have.

It's almost insane that (a) I'm now immune to Lena Dunham being naked after all this time and all that exposure, and (b) that people are still missing the meta-commentary she's making with the nudity…especially last night. The dude freaking out about her bush IS the internet troll, y'all. Don't feed it!

I'm pretty sure Hannah's dad hooked up with Neelix, right?

Knowing this show they'll reveal that it's really Eobard Thane wearing Jay Garrick's body and next season when they make Zolomon a regular, everyone will be all "the OTHER Garrick acts nothing like you.

Fincher was essentially robbed of his movie, although it's a testament to the strength of his talent and vision that the studio couldn't remove the tonality of the film in the recut.

Dude, even if he doesn't ruin Suicide Squad, he'll be the one part of Suicide Squad you can't stand. He's probably the only actor alive who could make Shailene Fucking Woodley bearable.

While I think that Scott handed the Alien better than Cameron, he has a couple of moments that we probably all overlook because GREAT MOVIE with regards to the Alien, notably the "modern dance" movement when the Alien goes to kill Yaphet and Veronica, and, of course, the legendary "jazz hands" moment with Tom Skerritt

They actually removed a penis-vagina combo from The Newborn because the studio thought that would be "too much." Remember, this is a movie that has Ripley writhing sensually on a sea of Aliens, Brad Dourif's Head talking to Ripley and COOING at The Newborn, Ron Perlman basically being Ron Perlman, a roomful of fuck-up

Oy. Winona Ryder as the android acting exactly like bored, disaffected Winona Ryder…in space…totally kills all the bizarro French awesome sauce in that movie.

Alien also benefits from the pacing here, where Scott allows you time to get to know these characters and their relationships.

I personally love Alien; it's one of my 'perfect movies,' like LA Confidential.

I don't agree. I think you could make an argument that Fincher and Jeunet had a distinct idea in their heads as to what this execution of Alien would be. It's INTERESTING shit and stupidity. Alien3 is basically so bleak as to be unwatchable, but the world created there is pretty amazing, and Resurrection's fatalistic

To be fair, Prometheus was a turd covered with corn.


I almost wished that they handled the Terminator series like Fox did with the first four Alien films: as canvases for directors with vision to paint their own impression on the mythology established.