
…and while Fancinelli looks like he's enjoying himself, that's not enough to make up for a lack of chops. He's going to have a rough middle age, I fear.

I really loved DCAU's Superman series. The episode where Darkseid offs the cop was brilliant.

It's the finale of Buffy!

Bizarro Supergirl is easily the best thing that happened to this show. Such a cool take on an iconic comic villain (for Superman, of course.) I especially loved that they tied in the origin story to what amounts to a massive violation by Lord. I still think that Facinelli doesn't have the gravitas to pull off EXACTLY

No, the episode did a bad job with the consequences of having idiots involved in this time loop. The loop itself is quite cool.

Regarding Zolomon being Zoom: The still shots of Zoom's mask DO kind of look like Teddy Sears, although maybe that's just my own dirty fetish. And it's probably not an accident that Zolomon is wearing all black on that park bench.

Seriously. I'm all for Flashback Mountain.

Or "Open Carry's a bitch, Patty."

Yes, because that wouldn't have been confusing at all.

Jeesh.. Get a room.

Right. That was super cool to watch. And the idea that Barry revealing himself gave Thawne the timeline location to, in effect, START THE SERIES is awesome sauce.

Also, isn't Patty a fucking COP? On the 'dangerous dirty metahuman squad?' It's not like she's a florist.

So much THIS.

Evil Blonde Chin Guy is weirdly hot, like finding out your professor has abs. Handsome Blonde Chin Guy is sex on wheels, man. On another Earth, I hope he's making porn.

I pretty much loved all the Reverse-Flash time shit, and Wells' "this is his origin story" was great, mind tingling stuff.

Oh…and don't remotely get me started on (a) the absurd, futile attempt to make Sharon FUCKING Stone look anything less than insanely hot [as if it's the makeup and clothing that makes her drop dead gorgeous and (b) the ridonk notion that Sharon FUCKING Stone and Dustin UNFUCKABLE Hoffman had a sexual relationship in

OK, that wins.

Sphere is really, really bad. Made worse as the cast is utterly wasted and lost.

Dude. This isn't 'Starship Troopers,' where the fascist satire left audiences confused upon its release. It's not 'Basic Instinct,' a remix of 'Vertigo' dismissed as a pulp soft-core porno. It's a movie where THE BREEZE is "terrifying." Where Zooey D. looks mentally disabled for the ENTIRE MOVIE. This movie is closer

Can someone on the makeup team tell them to lay off the lipstick on their male characters? They're one step away from drag.