Lol. The thesis of the show is a dude who has super speed…somehow achieved through total ridonk.
Lol. The thesis of the show is a dude who has super speed…somehow achieved through total ridonk.
"Mr. Flash, also known as Barry Allen to everyone…"
To be fair, that there was a risk of causing a black hole and all was probably the best indication that this wasn't exactly the best plan.
"Bitch, you're not Iron Man!" (To be fair, it was nowhere near as bad as the Andrew Garfield Spidey taking off his mask ALL THE TIME.)
As a native Miamian, DC's attempt to ethnic up JLA with Vibe's insane dialogue was pure camp awesomeness.
And even if he HAD the time, I'm so entirely sure that a series on The CW based on a mainstream DC Comics intellectual property is going to broach CASTRATION as their plot point. At 8pm.
I'm pretty sure that the explanation here is that Eobard existed until Eddie ended his life, ensuring that he doesn't exist. It's not clean, but this isn't exactly 'Primer' levels of accuracy we're dealing with here.
Oh, I don't watch that show. Diet Batman isn't my speed, although naked dude playing him on Hung most certainly is.
My main issue with the plan tonight is that nobody remotely stopped to consider Wells/Thawne's endgame here, and that the goal of going home may well just be a front for something else entirely. Meaning that he played The Scoobies like a fiddle all year long. But now he's totally on the up and up so you should totally…
One of the images Barry sees in the speed run is KF
Another Flash from another universe wears that helmet.
I love how Barry's life is just like Full House.
The Killer Frost tease and the intro of the multiverse. Hell to the yes, Flash.
…as if that's not happening offscreen anyways.
BOy, the gang is sure going to feel stupid as Hell when they realize that they've been played again by Wells. That takedown was waaaaaay too easy.
Well, it took them nearly twenty years to do it, but they finally created another television series that captures that fizzy-but-epic vibe that Buffy the Vampire Slayer had. And that's not faint praise as its one of my all time faves.
She is one sharp tack.
1. "If the shapeshifter touches you and absorbs your power, he'll know that Barry Allen is The Flash…" Had his powers worked that way, Iris would OFFICIALLY be the LAST person in the DC UNIVERSE NOT TO KNOW THAT BARRY ALLEN IS THE FLASH. Probably my biggest critique of this generally great show.
I was worried that when Jon Snow smiled briefly tonight that he was going to break his face.
"How can the show that includes this critique be the same show that casts a white woman as a Native American character?" Uhhhhhh…is that not the critique, in and of itself? Way to write for the shortbus.