
It's a classic like Once More With Feeling, except for sucking completely.

Lea Michele could sing the phone book. I don't think she's the most subtle nor dimensional singer, but man, what a powerhouse voice.

…and next month it will be Melanin Enriched Americans. The point was about playing language police, and the pointlessness of that.

I could listen to Lea Michele sing the phone book, but when she poses and drops a come hither look, my penis shrinks to newborn size. I seriously hope she outgrows her need to be seen as hot phase. It's a very Aguileran mistake of hers. Seriously: you can genuinely SING and passably act, girlfriend!

Wouldn't we call her an African-American woman, if we're going with the most contemporary way to describe people of color without offending everyone's tainted hearts?

I'm sure your divorce will be equally as happy!

Oy. Previously on Word Police…

And I was like puke. Talented? Yes. Entirely without sexual charisma? Yes, infinity. I think Lea Michelle has the exact same issue, actually.

To be fair, the curve is set looooooooowwwwwwwww.

Dear Glee, if I married the first person I fell in love with in high school, I'd be in prison, because I'd have killed them without regret.

Alex Newell brought it. And the house down. Gotta give props to Glee for rescuing a first-promising, then-lost-and-wasted character.

I seriously had the "oh, fuck, he's rapping again" thought bubble emerge

Add Becca Tobin to the "for nothing" list, as well. Considering they used Kitty to fill in whatever they needed her character to be each week (bitch, saint, trouble maker, voice of reason,) to sit there and pet Artie's knee is basically cellophane.

Poor SMG. Arguably the worst managed "big" star in Hollywood outside of Aguilera.

I'm sure both of them beat the shit out of Robin Givens.

I think it's the same appeal of straight men appearing in gay porn. Or people listing "straight acting" on a…ahem…dating profile.

In all seriousness, there's something fundamentally absurd about equating acting with bravery. And especially in a Hollywood context. Frankly, we've set the bar really low on acts of bravery when a woman looking like a human on film makes the list.

Yeah, but they're "Girls."

…and as a DC peep, I entirely relate to the "holy shit, housing is wicked cheap" in Real America. I've totally upped my square footage on business trips because seriously.

I know they won't actually DO this, but I could totally ditch the NY peeps for a couple of years and follow Hannah and Elijah's debauched college Will & Grace schtick. And isn't a part of the experience of growing up growing away from people as you all evolve in different ways?