
Yeah, it's really not a three way battle.

Pretty sure that's not even Billy West as Ren in his little montage intro.

Makes sense. Rainn Wilson is almost as old as Roger Carmel was when he died 20 years or so after his appearances on the original series. Great casting and obviously not a push into the realm of unnecessary nostaligic tie-ins.

Two things that made the old show special that I am 100% not expecting on this new one:
-Talented and well known movie directors who shot their episodes like their movies.

So many cheesy ass lines loaded with references. Kinda seems like that's almost all they care about these days. Granted, the broader strokes of the plot were good, but once again, the finer details seemed, at least to Mrs. Bubs and I, forced and cliched and…kinda dumb.

I was a little bothered that he couldn't pronounce his own name, but I blame American producers for that. How 'bout the episode where he was experimenting with a Scouse accent for ten minutes? Weird.
A major issue I have with Ryan coming back to voice the character for a regular animated series is one that I noticed

I hope Al Roker decides to dress up as Santa Claus again.

"But it’s a competition with almost infuriatingly simple solutions in the
first place: Either they move into Amy’s apartment or they get a new
apartment together. Jake’s apartment, complete with the perpetually
moist towel that came with it, is never once even considered a real
option, nor should it be."
Did we watch

This show pretty much feels like it's just coasting by on Peter Capaldi's performance at this point. *sigh* I can't wait for Steven Moffat to leave.

He was also Chozen.

Darkwing Duck does occur after Ducktales, hence appearances by Gizmo Duck, who alludes to a falling out between Launchpad and Scrooge in one of the episodes.
I assume it has something to do with Launchpad learning how to actually land a plane sometime before he moved to St. Canard. Maybe he wanted more money and got


Jesus fuck, I hate these videos.

This looks like a bunch of other recent stuff from tv smashed together and set to the basic Oz storyline.

Well, I feel the opposite. So there!

It appears they pulled it.

This was better than every sketch that aired on Saturday.

Have you watched DS9 recently? They're obviously not exactly the same, but the strong similarities between the sleazy fictional alien dictator and the sleazy real life American wannabe dictator are just too fucking eerie right now.

Mrs. Bubs and I had been rewatching all of Deep Space Nine from the beginning. We'd almost finished the fifth season, but we had to take a pause. There's something about Dukat that hits a little too close to home at the moment.

This. I believe he stated this outright, in the last episode.