
The President knows SHIELD exists. General Talbot knows. And pretty much everybody else they meet seems to believe it still exists. That's how, I guess.

That's what I said.

You mean like getting rid of Bobbi and Hunter and putting more emphasis on Daisy and Lincoln to compensate?

Why would they ditch Coulson? They made death in the MCU meaningless in order to build a show around him. There's no turning back.

"No Ward/Hive brings it back down to an A-."

Marvel's The Daisy and Lincoln Show.

"What are you doing, Daive?"

Considering that they just re-dialed back FitzSimmons as a couple an episode or two ago, no they don't. Everybody's stepping aside for Dincoln.

She actually had chemistry with Ward.

Well, May did go along with the whole thing once she caught wind of it, so…you might be. Yeah.

Say it out loud. It totally works.

Not anymore.

Perfect. Please stay on for next season, Alex. If for no other reason than it doesn't seem like something Oliver Sava would use.

I'm sure this means we're going to be getting a lot more Lincoln…and more of Lincoln and Daisy as a couple. Shit.

It wasn't just Goodfellas, though. Venture's narration, especially at the party was very Casino, and Dr. Mrs. The Monarch's scene when she's narrating from the car with Wide Wale was a short but pretty obvious homage to Taxi Driver. And yet, as obvious as it all was, it seems like Zack might have missed the

I assume the nonprofit you work for isn't a movie based on an already existing property owned by another company.

"Greer—whose only previous outlets for non-mom-com has been the crazy stuff she gets to say on Archer, and inviting people to say goodbye to these…"

And he was passed over in favor of a white actor for a tv show he helped develop.

As in, "you have a gay face?" Yeah, I suppose it is.

You should tell them. Seriously, just google "Asian American," find a group or business using that term and enlighten them. I'm sure they'll appreciate it.