forever is worst than B&R, it's not even campy fun. it's just dull.
forever is worst than B&R, it's not even campy fun. it's just dull.
Good point, but none of the main characters of the episode have emilian accents
It's "nonna", nona means ninth (ie. la nona sinfonia di beethoven)
as long as there's no spaghetti alla bolognese i'm ok.
the last 2 season are pretty hard to watch, but i think that helps built up beautifully to that great ending. And i don't think that the season is terrible, mostly Nate ;)
Good to know, i have still to watch the last 2 episodes
I'd say from season 4 onward is 80% *really* good, with an apex in sixth season.
It suffer from the same ron moore problem that afflicts BSG imho: useless religious subplot.
After the 6FU finale i spent the night in my bed in fetal position crying and happy, both times i watched it. It's like the only time in my life i've experienced catharsis.
DS9 is half REALLY good and half pretty meh, imho.
I'm pretty sure the best finale ever is Six Feet Under's.
Gen Zod?
sounds something you'd eat in a school cafeteria :-/
sorry what?
roman couisine rocks. Oh god what they do with artichokes <3
but most of the restaurants in the centro storico are overpriced tourist traps who sells fake italian food like fettuccini alfredo or spaghetti alla bolognese. If you go in "grittier" areas around the center (like San Lorenzo or Pigneto) you can finding really good authentic restaurants just throwing a rock with your…
NO *_*
no, really, what the hell is alfredo sauce?!