
I. Am Proudly. A FIB.

No they got it wrong. Slimer is too offensive to our modern sensibilities.

Low ratings, low AVC comment count, I don't care, this is a well designed and executed show, I love how the opening credits are just a bit different each time, the pacing for me is fine, it's both intelligent and goofy, it keeps the different story strands moving nicely along side each other… and geeez I even like Rob

I was lucky enough to have seen Playtime in 70 mm at a college screening. The very first shot of the movie at the airport, long, static, and then you realize Hulot has been there the whole time. The audience gasped in wonder at the slow reveal.

Indifference to Mel not being in this movie is a Failure of Imagination?

Wait… The Breakfast Montage… is my favorite scene too. I … Agree with Trump!!

I admire your boldness and honesty in expressing your view of Trump.

One of the reasons I will never cancel HBO. My wife had already read the book, I heard how great it was, it was a no brainer. I was very aware of the music while watching, this is good to know.

Of course. I was tryin to be tongincheek or jokey, some things obviously don't translate… obvious fail, my bad.

They've been in "virtually every conversation?"

Never can tell around here. Serious? Meta? Meta Serious? Appreciate the response!

Paul Giamitti, duh. Looks shlumpy at first… But very capable of taking action, good or evil.

Wow. Not one but Two original programs about Ebola.

And… thank You for the first up vote I got out of all of this!

Yes, as, per the vile and vitriol in the comments, I have now discovered. Upvote for not using any of that in your comment.

Human Garbage. Well, thank You, stranger.

I did express an opinion. See the bit about How Excited. It is indeed 'any opinion I'd like'. What about what I wrote is antithetical to what you wrote?

Glad you got that off your chest.

Yup. Liked it.

Hrrrmm… Glad it was a labor of love and all that, but how excited am I supposed to be about this? I like that scene in the restored edition of Han and Jabba. Am I supposed to look forward here to a scene of Luke and Leia french kissing?