
Ha - wish I thought of that!

Yeah 10 years ago my daughter loovvvved Elmo's world. The Kotaku piece made it seem like evil Elmo wrestled for power and won. Dude these things don't happen in a vacuum. My theory: the fault goes to the parents of the manipulative little sweeties who come under the thrall of Elmo. Who are the ones that kill each

Some people posting here say basically… Whatever. Who cares. Really?

Joining the chorus here for the (mostly) positive feedback for the first Star Trek reboot movie. Chicago Symphony played the score live in a big screen outdoor showing at Ravinia this past summer. It was great to see it again on the big screen, it was crowd pleasing, the entire crowd was quiet during the quiet bits

I don't know how many interviewers there were… But it is possible when she made that comment the other interviewers did mental eye rolls thinking 'there she goes again' , kinda what I imagine happens on the Supreme Court all the time, and you did yourself a favor.

Blow job to a city bus exhaust pipe? I don't think I can make you laugh but damn you made me almost do a spit take with my Cocoa Puffs.

All the commenters have moved on (last new comment 3 months ago)… Ghost town here… I'm guessing AV club commenters like seeing things right when they come out, and no one wants to comment when the DVD comes out cuz it's totally not cool or something admitting not to have seen it in the theater…? Ha! I'm totally

Just showed my daughters a few episodes of the original 60s Batman tv series. They are not into superheroes but I thought they'd get some of the campy humor, and enjoy the silliness and mock seriousness. Nope. My 10 year old kept asking what was going on and why everything was so cheesy. My 14 year old was

What reboots of the Universal monsters over the past 50 years have actually been successful movie going experiences? I chose timeframe carefully as I do like the Hammer films of the late 50s.

I could not stop laughing at the opening green screen musical!! Showed it to my kids, they loved it ( of course didn't show them anything else, or even share the name of the show, waaaay too inappropriate!! ).

Great review, agree on Bruce Campbell's performance and the well done violence. I particularly liked how Reagans vacuous speech overlaid the attack in the woods, I'm still trying to figure out the metaphor if beyond overall meaninglessness of both!

Hi Cookie. I feel for your situation. Many years ago you taught me that Cookie starts with C. Maybe now I can help you.

Read a whole bunch a Matt Fraction myself. Can not recommend highly enough Hawkeye (the dog centered issue is as great as they say) and Sex Criminals. I also read all 3 volumes of Casanova… Though this series had many clever features to keep me from quitting, it felt like a slog and mainly gave me a headache….

I've watched Once More With Feeling probably once a year since it came out, bought the DVD of S6 just for this. There have been multiple actual hot dog-based events where I've wanted to sing about getting the mustard out but alas no one would understand…

I really did need 2 viewings of this episode to sort it through… those of you who haven't, should. First view seemed episodic at best, fragmented at worst. Second view it somehow all came together for me, and earned its A. If you figured it out on 1 view… you either hated it or are so smart you were probably

You are onto something. I have a nice sound bar and had to crank it way louder than the usual TV show to hear him clearly, even then needing DVR RWs in many spots.

Who says AV Club isn't entertaining AND informative?

Boytons musical prowess was a real pleasant surprise for me. Also…

[channeling Mel Brooks Silent Movie… deep breath…]

Ha - Whatever happened to Asimov's laws of robotics?