Jon Jonzz

It's not believable to me, Vixen would never go for a guy like that. At least she's being less of a stone faced bitch now.

Merlyn had one good season and has been useless since, Dhark's plan was dumb and he nearly singled handled killed Arrow. This version is also useless without his magic.

It's meant to be a fun supehero show but it's no fun if the superheros fight useless gun weilding thugs or fight against a speedster so powerfull he could kill them all in an instant if he wanted.
Also the plot line reveal was ludicrious, why change reallity when you have time travel? time travel is reallity. Why does

Did I miss something? Sara has always been bi.

It was revealed in episode 2 I think. Some people still thought it was Eddie for whatever reason.

Love how they focused on Alchemy in the promotion because they knew we did not want another speedster.

When was Caitlin naked?

Did we really need to see "Martin loves his wife and his former self is a twat" for the second time? sloppy and forced.

Hope that annoying idiot Wild dog gets killed off. He's not cool or interesting.

No all of season 4 was crap.

We interrupt this episode of Arrow to bring you the Felicity Diaries. Seriously, stop wasting 15 minutes every week on her. The show could do so much more without that nonsense.

The definitive Petter Pots.

The show has no idea how modern day nukes work. Most the country would be fucked.

"Oh hey, how about this town? they got a dumb name, they can all die instead of us"

I forgot about that moment in TWS, I also rewatched The first Avengers and he bleeds from an energy blast at one point.
So it's not as bad as I first thought. It's just the Ultron fight and the helicopter scene I dislike.

No, just no. Helicopters similar weigh to a car, I guess, and Spider-man struggles to lift those.


No but it very much felt like a mid point for the universe, it was less satisfying because Thor goes for the stones and Tony strolls away in his sports car with no reprcusions. One of those things has been address in Civil War the other will be in Ragnornok. Then it all comes to ahead in Infinity war. Three people

Well that's not good enough imo, we should of clearly been shown Cap should knowing about it. They diden't even that moment to make them fight as Cap would of protected Bucky anyway.

No but they were collateral in his mind.