Joe Dee

i totally misread that and attributed that quote to Jimmy Carter. That would have been fucking hilarious.

Don't remember anything about this show…but I know I watched it.. And mildly enjoyed it!

Petty over Springsteen all day, every day. Come at me Jersey!

Haha YESSS I noticed that the first time I watched the trailer.

Can't remember if I wanted this back in '95 cause it was Batman related or because of Kiss From A Rose. Both justifiable reasons for an 8 year old. But the U2 song is one of their best imo, and the Flaming Lips track is another great that I still listen to. Nothing on this album matches the ridiculousness of R.Kellys

I would also add the Dark Knight Returns 30th anniversary hardcover, but goddam does that sequel take a few point off.

The deluxe edition of DC New Frontier. The Absolute edition of Kingdom Come (I also have the signed and numbered slipcase by graffiti designs from the late 90's) and also the JLA/Avengers oversized hardcover slipcase. The story and art on that one is just a page after page reminder of how fun super hero comics can be.

Best episode of the season, contender for best of the series.

Can we have a blu ray box set now please?

Goddam, JLD is so great and her profanity filled insults are such a turn on. I refuse to analyze why that is. But I hope she wins a emmy for every season Veep is on the air.

I didn't really know much of her before but I had the same reaction as Kimmy when She appeared onscreen. She looks like a disney princess, but real, so it's ok for me to be turned on.

when does the latest season of Archer go up on the 'flix?

I try not to sexualize Annie.

Britta is the reason I will be watching this, as are most things involving Britta (well except Girls…not even the combined might of Britta and Troy was enough to get me to watch)

it works perfectly. The episode with the family road trip with Mera & Aquaman's bratty son (wearing the 80's Aquaman costume) was great and should have been a back door pilot for a Aquaman series that CN could cancel after 13 episodes.

I love me some Aquaman, John Dimaggio's version is probably my favorite. I would love if the comics took that cue of having him being a swashbuckling lovable goof who's actually good at what he does, it's so much better then the grim and gritty take that they give to every character.

Another underrated gem of a show is Batman Brave and Bold. Great use of a bunch of B,C and D list characters and hilarious as well. Beware the Batman and The Green Lantern cgi shows were really good as well and like Young Justice, ended much too soon.

It's great for different reasons. JL has the adults and YJ has the teens (although Wally West is on both) but they both have in my opinion the definitive versions of these iconic characters. They took the best parts of 75 plus years of continuity and used the best bits. They use the DC mythology better then the

I sold all my comics recently (save for a very select few favorites) and was kind of regretting it but then got over it quickly, because I have all the Timm 'toons on dvd as well as Young Justice. Whenever I want to be with these characters, these shows are always my go to's

I just read this a few weeks ago, I did not get the ending. It feels like it was meant to be the first part of a series, but as a stand alone story didn't work with that ending imo. Of course I'm a big fat stupid baby so maybe that's why I didn't understand it.