
This has convinced me to watch Midnight Special.

This is the most AV Club-y article in years.

Boy, uh, these flags are sure looking… red…

He's said in interviews it was very intentional and he came into the project wanting it to be as short — and dialogue free, and without subplots — as possible

It's the remix to ignition. Hot and fresh out the kitchen.

Is that the one where the girl died at the end of the first one and became the ghostly antagonist? Crazy stuff.

Well, why not? Fear Street's the perfect idea for this. After all, the books came out every month, and the plots were silly horror/slasher stuff — perfect for seeing close together

Ex Machina

Oh, so WHITE-WASH the part?!?!?!?!?!?

The first 15 minutes of episode 8, up through Mr. C waking up after the NIN performance, seemed like maybe they were supposed to be the end of the last episode and were moved to 8 to make it two 1 hour episodes instead of one 1 hr 15 min episode and one 45 min episode. After all, Lynch says they didn't figure out the

I've been "catching up" with the series — starting from s1e1 for the first time — for the last 2 months and FINALLY made it to see the new episode live (or, nearly live, give or take around 90 minutes,) and because of this, I watched episodes 7, 8, and 9 in a mini-marathon. And it's funny cause all the complaints

Yes, THAT was the point

Oh, AV club, have we reached "I'm bored of gushing so time to start nitpicking everything" already?

Yes, brain, obviously the headline was referring to the movie Trolls. Jesus I need a nap.


…yeah, it's a play on words… you know? Like Jeopardy always does?

She should write an episode; her book series is pretty dope.

That's an interesting thought given that Mulder and Scully pretty much have reversed gender roles — Mulder runs on intuition, Scully on logic. Not that your point and mine can't exist at the same time.

Stuff her in the problem attic!

My favorite part was when the character who is an innocent man wrongfully accused pointed to himself and said "Innocent man. Wrongfully accused."