
the night scene with the glass bricks was such a good cinematic idea and beautiful.

The court scene had so many nice acting notes….Kim's change in expression when Jimmy said that she wasn't representing him…the stenographer leaning in to hear Jimmy whispering to Kim (and her fingers still typing)


it is odd also because brownstones in NYC imply fanciness.

Does Jimmy's ring have string wrapped around it? I guess it is too big?


you missed my point.

yeah I was never sure if the creators o the show wanted us to think of the brown stone as sort of a tenement or the yuppie house given sherlock from his dad.

So is Chantal's death Joan's fault for pushing so hard?

ugg iTunes for last week's episode still messed up. They suck.

Did things look especially worn out this week? Joan's bedroom, the interrogation room. I don't remember the torn wall paper and spots on the sound proofing tiles.


seems to happen over and over again. Besides, why would people be protesting to close down the base?

yeah he has a creepy vibe.

Sexual assault in Okinawa isn't part of US Marine training but they seem to do it regularly and consistently.

I assumed that is why she was brought along. Or was it for her training in diplomacy?

I saw Dark City when it came out and was really confused when people started talking about The Matrix because they seemed so similar.

Interesting that Bobby immediately moved to flip over the table instead of first pushing down ChrisJen down to the floor.

or extra fun. who knows that they are into.

oh. I thought it was an acronym for a political science think tank.