
It was a good choice to have Renie's towel a bright pink after wearing blue for so long and the light in the house was so blue. I think that plot arc was good in that it gave the middle child something to do that was interesting. Previously he was just set up against his older sister or his dad. It was fun to see

I still think the parents are the weakest characters. They change in ways that don't feel earned and it is clear the writers are using them to advance the plot. I would really like to see Matilda and her mom have an intellectual arguments about whether they should or should not have released the code. I don't want

I liked that Hester's skull was crushed and I liked that Niska did it. Both sort of had similar backgrounds in terms of damage done to them but Niska has come out differently.

I agree. I wish Odi's decision was given a bit more screen time. Although Pete's death was well done. I liked how they used his "aww shucks" style to emphasise his professional skill and heroism at the end.

ahhh that makes sense. thanks!

so why didn't you review the other episodes?

Was the guy who played Mr. Suputayaporn the actor who played Bubbles on The Wire?

I really like the Amos character more and more—how he is portrayed and the writing for him. I liked the scene when he was with Dr. Meng in the cell. It is perfectly reasonable for him to expect that giving the reason "because the captain says so" would be sufficient. You really can see the gears spinning in his

The Avasarala character still feels dissonant to me. The swearing doesn't come off as real. The impact is lessened when you have to think "wait what did she say?" "oh that's what she said" and then "Wait! she said that!?" It would have been more effective if she was able (and I still feel that there are

The profile on the Mars Purple Heart almost looks like Fred Johnson.

umm isn't marriage the basis of most feudal alliances throughout history?

I disagree somewhat with the review's analysis of Margo's decision. I think that she is struggling to make "queen-like" decisions (i.e. complex and balancing least worst outcomes) without fully having the maturity and experience to know what that means. Elliot on the other hand, maybe because he's been struggling

where was Quentin when he released Alice? Some sort of weird demolition derby stadium?

wait. how do emergency generators work? If they can do that, why can't they make a power plant?

Why would the hospital have huge windows looking out onto the quad? Do the Breakbills admissions brochures have kids taking a break from studying on the lawn to watch orderlies with a crash cart rushing to a flatlining patient? Cheerleaders form a pyramid and shout give me a C-L-E-A-R!

Appreciated that gust of wind as Margo was marching across the field to the duel, but I wonder about the label on the left hip of her underwear. "Queen Margo's Panties"? (I couldn't zoom in far enough)

right and it needed both of them to work in concert but no verbal communication was needed.

Holly Taylor impresses me more and more.

I think the writers had the midges sent to Oklahoma so the show could have the best disguises ever.

yeah it looked like she was reading the Wall Street Journal and for a second I thought that was a way that Oleg could know that it was his secret contact. then I realized that was a dumb idea on many levels. I could never be a spy. :(