notice that when he told them dinner was going to be ready in five minutes, he first consulted the instructions on the packet?
even if that were true they could burn it in an incinerator with filters that they could then expose to UV light or gamma radiation.
you'll go blind!
the heaving face masks was a good technique to express emotion that intense eye gazes in low light might not have captured alone.
I'm actually watching the UK version so I must have missed it. Thanks!
"***One question for the AV Club - where's the review of the most recent episode of Baskets?***"
sounds true to me. The Brits hate Americans. We give them The Special Relationship and they give us sarcasm.
Mary Poppins! now there was a movie with understandable dialogue! Dick Van Dyke called upon his youth growing up in Hackney to produce a very understandable and authentic accent!
I think it has something to do with the poor training of many British actors. The two women on The Expanse are horrible mumblers. They swallow consonants, pronounce "th" like a "f" in baby talk and drop "r" from end of sentences. Accents are great but the key is to have the dialogue be understandable. Even if…
the iTunes version isn't downloadable yet but my initial reaction was "oh god. not kitty. please not." But maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised.
that's right. I'm sorry, I forgot how it all went down. (Thanks for throwing the shitfit)
Not odd at all. AVclub didn't follow The Expanse last year and we are only on episode 6 this season. I think I've only commented on them two or three times, so "every other episode" or every third episode might be accurate (although your implications might be an exaggeration).
I looked it up. According from Wikipedia she is from Limehouse. Although Limehouse used to be London's Chinatown during victorian times and was very working class due to the fact that it is where the Thames and part of the canal system converge, it is extremely gentrified now—Gordon Ramsey has a restaurant there,…
what part of East London is she from? Definitely sounds South East London to me and I know people get confused between East and South London geographically.
like this?
sorry. I was trying to figure out how to do the super cool spoiler html thing.
I like knowing that haxen paxen need to be misted like an air plant.