and I think the obvious pun with respect to fertility is that when they were working out the knock-out and knock-in genetics, they omitted the knocked-up trait…
and I think the obvious pun with respect to fertility is that when they were working out the knock-out and knock-in genetics, they omitted the knocked-up trait…
If I were planning this sort of research I'd want a genetic foundation (like clones) that I could knock in or knock out with individual traits. If that were the case perhaps the clones aren't actually genetically identical but differ in a small number of markers. And maybe these traits aren't associated with…
what Cosima said:…
Loved Kira's sparkly fox sweater!
I liked how Art looked into the communal coffee mug and sort of blew in it to "clean it out". Amusing acting decision.
Pastor Tim's jacket made him look like Austin Powers.
I like the fact that Veronica saved Keith after he saved her. And then she wasn't messing around having the van driver call for help (ask for the cops, ambulance, and the fire dept AND point a gun at him)
nope. they weren't goalie sticks. just old fashioned hockey sticks (much older than the 80s)
weird that the sticks weren't taped better. Also you would have thought they would have figured out a way to give the goalie a blocker. We used to strap on a metal license plate (it had to be straightened out after each shot).
It was fun to watch Gabriel become more convincing with his "Look of Reassurance and Concern." When putting Martha into the car it was more of a grimace but when he sat the Jennings down at the end, it almost seemed real.
Matthew gave Keri Russell a lot of acting space. In the scene where he is reading the EST book on the couch there is quite a bit of silence where he allows her to react, think, and then react to her thoughts. You could tell how much respect he has for her acting byjust letting her act the scene through.
Wait, how is Weevil impacted? Isn't Neptune number 13 the one who will loose out? If Weevil protected his line then he keeps the commission and the high volume of bets pays out for him.
anyone notices the rainbow sticker on the door of the dental clinic? "This Establishment Serves Everyone"
I liked how the cold opener matched the opening lines of the theme song.
I was thinking the same thing but was struggling with why Elizabeth would stab Martha in the gut..blood would have been all over!
Gregson has his own scene!
as in Jewish men who think they are Italian?
Weirdly, I've run into quite a bit of militant anti-circumcision sentiment lately. Is this a new thing?
Loved Joan's cream skirt with blue print at the police station.
if you looks closely he was using a holmes.sherlock email address