some cool name

Ok I'm willing to let slide that Olivia was sold for TWO BILLION dollars, that a tie was somehow allowed (um, why?), and that Russian oligarchs would just hand you $2 bil because you "owed them a favour" (that last bit was somehow the most ridiculous for me) because of that last speech. The speech that I believe many

ah, I skipped the preview…

I actually took Lizzie's reaction as them giving the audience the benefit of the doubt that we might actually remember that she was tortured. I think her walk and how jumpy she was that she's definitely still traumatised by it

I was wondering where you'd been the past few weeks!
What did you think of Mellie announcing that she wants to be President (despite seasons of proving that she makes a hellava lot of political mistakes) while Liz is relegated to a trembling mess (where she was once a really smart political operative. Why she ended up

Why not just take it as actually being Iran? That's where they seem to be taking this season

definitely agree that the dead soldier scene failed. I was actually yelling at the TV "what is with the music?!" 43 people died because he considered being a decent President but then threw it out the window because Mellie told him it was ok? And somehow their deaths are justification for the potential for more deaths

really? For me that was the least believable and most irritating part of the whole episode.

you know, the past season or two of comments on Scandal here have actually made me want to. When it was first on TV I was living in Australia and the ads were various shots of Jennifer Gardner getting out of the pool dripping wet in a bikini. It was pretty gross and definitely did not inspire me to watch the show.

yeah, that confused me also. If the whole thing was Andrew using her as a bargaining chip, he already knows that Fitz is in love with Olivia. And if it wasn't him, why the hell are they kidnapping Olivia if they don't already have that info?
I liked the psych out all the same.
I think the West Wing did a pretty

lol. Because the drama!

how do you fake finding their bodies?

Apropos Olivia running for office - I really don't think so. She fixes and she handles - she doesn't lead. Every now and then she opposes a particular policy that Fitz is pushing, but she usually helps him pass it anyway. Her political agenda is unclear. She's a backroom wheeler and dealer - which is fine. You don't

I agree. Scandal is by no means a perfect show, and I agree that Olivia calling Fitz out for using the word bitch was a little cynical and more of a gesture to feminism than a symbol of a consistent approach. Nonetheless, there is no need to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Scandal has elements that are

Ok, first of all you are awesome, I love this (and not just because I got quoted).
I also like that you started with more positive things - my feminist complaint for the episode (mentioned higher up) was that yet again Olivia's "No" becomes "Yes" when Fitz pushes her enough. Sadly, as @disqus_fLdNjoSUIA:disqus pointed

I'd definitely go with 1). How could they possibly plan something with so many people involved (the Pentagon with the files, the operation team, the sit room) and not expect him to find out? He probably had multiple sources

Or maybe he set it up? I didn't think of this until you pointed it out, but he did stop the progress of his progression to go sign autographs at just the right time..? It would work with the conspiracy

I rolled my eyes so frequently throughout this episode I'm surprised they didn't pop out the other side. One highlight of that though was when Olivia herself starts rolling her eyes at one of her father's rants.

one more point - I will commend Scandal on opening my eyes to how important it is to see representations of ourselves on TV (and in public spaces in general). Before Scandal, I had never really noticed that there were no black women leads on TV. I could argue that I didn't grow up in a country with many black

Thank you for your thoughtful response. It is nice to see this as a topic of discussion. It always bothered me that Grey's Anatomy would raise really interesting questions about working women but all discussion would be about the various romantic plots (e.g. one scene when Meredith returns to work after having a baby

he gave Michael the wrong name of the ship (Roosevelt instead of Truman). He passed it on to the Republican head woman (sorry, I'm really bad with names) and she passed it on to Mellie who said it on live TV.