
Guess this(and the other post) answers my question.

The amount of faux intellectualism in your posts is impressive.

Sean seems pretty butthurt.

So it looks like Sonia decided to be classy and apologize, but then goes directly to twitter to complain about and make fun of the people posting here. Oh, and she can't help but pull the "people can't handle the opinion of brown people" card. Ugh….the worst.

LOST was filled with Alice In Wonderland references. So I'm sure they were all intentional here.

Kind of a sad life.

People have been fired for less offensive comments.

This comment is very ironic.

Sepinwall at HitFix is very good, as is Matt Fowler at IGN

They sure are political for a "non political" site.

Reading her twitter has just proven that she is a racist. It's really a shame.

wow. What an embarrassing comment. If you commit a crime against a white person because they are white, that would be a hate crime. PERIOD. ANYONE can be a victim of a hate crime. Oppression has nothing to do with it.

It is truly one of the most ignorant things I have seen on this site, and that's saying something.

"On the subject of “hate crimes”: It’s very, very interesting that this show would have a crime perpetrated against a white person called a “hate crime.” I’m not saying it’s bad, but it’s a bold decision to make"


lol @ thinking the spin the iPhone is too unreal. That ain't the half of it.

Vee is terrible in literally every way possible. The only good thing about her is that she managed to make Poussey likable.

I bet you thought this was a really clever response.

This site really is becoming a parody of itself with this shit.

It's not an AV club article without multiple mentions of supposed misogyny.