Robert K

To clarify, I meant he shouldn't repeat his parents' mistake even if it means he won't get his own cable series.

Perhaps I would believe Josh Duggar if he took some sort of concrete action to show he should focus on his family and the realization that having too many children leads to poor parental supervision.

"Yeah, there's no way we can't improve on the original," said the makers of the new Fantastic Four movie.

Personally, I would dealt with the out of date story elements by having the beginning take place in 1961 and do the origin as written by Lee & Kirby. Of course, the comic rays would not only give them their powers, but create a time-warp landing them in 2015.

The Sheldon and Penny storyline summed up the problem that the show has. They have become an old married couple before the wedding. The show doesn't seem to want to take any risks anymore. I was hoping that Sheldon's journey at the end of last season would lead to some sort of change, but it went nowhere.

Now if I could only find a way to repress Godfather III.

I'm wondering if I'm going to have to watch the third and fourth Alien movies again before I see the upcoming film. I haven't seen either movie since 1998 and I repressed my memories of them.

"Alien V: Jonesy's Revenge"

As I mentioned in another posting, I also don't have a number of cable channels (my plan is one step above basic) so CW would also be my preferred choice.

I will miss him. I did want to mention a favorite performance of his among his his lesser known works. There was an episode of Gunsmoke called "The Treasure of John Walking Fox" that was on a "best of" collection that I gave to my mother one Christmas and passed on to my oldest friend after she passed. It was done

Chuck Lorre seems to have a fixation on cremation. There was a recent storyline in Mom about Bonnie stealing her late boyfriend's ashes and there was the whole thing in Two and a Half Men about Charlie being cremated and it turning out not to be him.

I watched most of a podcast that was done this week about the Save Selfie campaign and a point that the host brought up that may be an obstacle regarding a DVD release is securing the rights to the music that was used in the show. I remember this was a problem when they first released WKRP in Cincinnati on DVD. They

There were some shows that are so bad that I wanted to go to the people involved and demand the half-hour or one hour of my life back. This was so awful that after it was over I thought Chuck Lorre should spend an extra year in Purgatory for what he put us through. He did what I thought was impossible. He made

I find the whole comments that David Corn "deserves" to be in a "kill zone" very disturbing. Bill O'Reilly referred to Dr. George Tiller as "Tiller the Baby-Killer" and the man was assassinated by an anti-abortion zealot. So O'Reilly's words can have an effect on the weak-minded, which I understand his his prime

Does this mean we'll eventually see an "Aliens vs. Prometheus" sequel?

I think one of the strongest virtues of the show was the chemistry between Karen Gillan and John Cho, so recasting Eliza would be pretty much of a non-starter in my opinion. I know it's still a long shot, but I still have some hope. The ideal scenario would be for the show to be picked up by the CW and for it to go

I have no plans to read the books or see the movies, but I will read the graphic novel version if they get Robert Crumb to do it. Now that would be subversive.

Phallic humor aside, how long did it seem?

I would not go so far to say I hate ABC, but I am angry and confused by their actions. Why would you put on a show that's going to be a tough sell and not put the resources behind it to give a reasonable chance of success?

I think you owe the hobbits an apology.