
Maybe it was just me but I got a serious Ice Pirates cube from Jeff's outfit

I think YouTube holds that honor

20+ years and no promotions. Scully & Muldur = Scully & Hitchcock

I guess they gave him something big enough to tear his ass in two.

Actually this is making my day

Just don't get in the car with her

Get off my plane! Seriously we need to evacuate.

Thats my favorite line!

Where were you when the news broke last week AVC? Texas Monthly already covered this.

The Puff Daddy Effect

The nightly news will be replaced by buzzfeed lists

Parents who get their ass chewed out on tv Have children who get their ass chewed out on tv.

That's terrible advice.

No. Turns out watching a three minute clip of CT is better than anything FG could make up on the spot .

I knew he was one of those protestant terrorists.

Actually judging by the game that did seem like their defensive strategy.

And that's why I am rooting for the Seahawks. As much as I hate the burning sensation it is still better than lockjaw.

There is two types of people in this world; those with bullets, and those who comment on Twitter.

3 fold increase? I find that hard to believe as there aren't that many comments made on social media.

Eh. If he owes money to anybody its to The Script.