
no because he got out of the gangster business he gave a useless nightclub to Lansky he also gave them a bootlegging business which is going to be obsolete and is linked to a criminal in Chicago who was pinned by the feds

which he is just going to turn around and put on grain stocks that are going to be very low because he short sold his stock and then they're going to repeal prohibition and he makes millions

So Lucky and Lansky tried to teach him a lesson but in the end they still gave Nucky exactly what he wanted. Good job guys.

I think it's pretty obvious he's Jimmys son. He even looks like Michael Pitt in low light.

The last great 80s comedy ever made.

We'll always have Jacobs Ladder. So sad.

I love you Jan!

Proof that there is crap and also will-made crap. If only today's flicks had half the heart that went into these movies.

Hope Solo is a footballer who committed domestic violence and who is still playing because the organization felt her talents were too important to give up. Don't act like Teti hasn't gone off on less connected tangents in these articles than that.

Those yogurt commercials use pink, and women as does every other breast cancer awareness ad. Didn't Susan g Komen start this? And it needs be pointed out that this comment board ,this article and my newsfeed that there is no mention are barely any mention of what Hope Solo did. I guess it's OK when you're a woman.

You know the first rule of hunting and being a police officer is being aware of what's happening around you.

I've got nothing against guys wearing hats indoors, I'm just saying when they are in public they should keep it to themselves. They don't need to be flaunting their lifestyle around in front of my family

Wow, Beats must be terrible

that will be the name of his hard hitting opinion column.

For some one who works for the av club and is named Latoya Ferguson, you have an awful lot of knowledge on wrestling and death metal.

I think this episode is the favorite from Zihuatanejo to Popocatepetl

I'm surprised nobody mentioned the face time gag which definitely reminds me of my wife's family and gave me the best chuckle of the night. If anything av club readers can relate to the fridge yelling their name when they open it.

I thought it was because of Claire


Little Larry Fishburn needs a catch phrase by ep 3 or I'm done. Then again, he can just pour hot sauce on baked fried chicken and I'll be ok.