
The secret of my success. I thought everyone that knew that movie.

I found it a bit toothless

Get me his non-union Mexican equivilent! He'll get it done.

Wasn't there a war in that movie?

I guess Sean wasn't there during the mastectomy

Eli Goldratt would have been proud

Don't worry the world will be filled with goatee'd fat guys in hockey jerseys dancing ironically to scooby doo for years to come.

Mariah Carey Emotions

No cliff Burton, no deal.

Few questions:
How will the efficiencies be realized?
Can science teach me to love?

I enjoyed this show for what it was. A short self-contained end-season filler for after MF. Glad I watched it and wish the cast best of luck with there careers in commercials and stock photos.

Ask yourself which one of those makes more since in 2014

So the theme on HBO tonight is 'never sick your dick in crazy'

Pickles polarize. No one is just ok with them

Wait. I haven't boarded my Crest Cavity Creep comics the dentist gave me. I should get on that.

I was thinking the same thing but noticed the red indicator on the top indicative of a first printing. Looking back a reprint would have been a better plot.

Or Gary Busey.

Glad to see burn down charts and Lean initiatives getting the respect they deserve in pop culture.

Sade syndrome is real and it affects 1:10 women. Usually an ex whose heat you broke.

That's not logical