
If only he would put on the sunglasses it wouldn't have been necessary.

Tonight's episode felt like a live action recreation of my Facebook newsfeed. Got to go read about the banned foods that are poisoning me now.

This is the only opinion that matters

That's because all self respecting big dicked texans drive f350 diesels with a headache rack.

Reading an av club piece on automotive financials is as much fun as reading their sports analysis in the TV club.

You don't

I'll just say that I would rather have six Mcounagheys than five and one Oprah any day

I don't know. Reminds me of Mad TV'S version of Shaq. I prefer Charles Barkley's Shaq.

Too salty

But it's alright now, I've learned my lesson well
You can't eat everyone but you got to feed yourself

If I had a hammer….

Thanks Obama

One thing this show has not gotten better at is using its secondary cast for anything other than cannon fodder. The minute that ranger rode into town I thought " He seems interesting, I wonder how long before he is unnessecarily killed?"

So can someone explain why Aaron was teaching electrical theory? Seems pointless.

We'll duh

Hey don't dump your purse out on the library table and then get mad when people question the contents. Besides it Florida, Nucky has a right to stand his ground.

I dont care where those colored brick roads go as long as they stay out of my children's schools.

To be fair if Sam Elliot came into my office and started doing yoga and quoting the Smiths my head would fucking explode.

Since nobody has answered this question user yet the last writer is Richard Matheson and one of his vampires from I Am Legend as depicted from the Omega Man movie. Also there was a devils backbone reference with Homer on the couch gag.

My God He was buried alive!!?