
I find it works well if you read it in Dennis Millers voice.

Av Clubs next "A very special Episode"

Av Clubs next "A very special Episode"

Look. Mistletoe.

That would never work because you know at the trade shows nobody is going to feel comfortable buying the black guy.



Have Josh Brolin killed.

Wah Wah Wah.  I've been to deepest darkest WV.  Its poor people and coal.  Stop pretending its anything more.

Hipsters who are really serious about their irony.

Thats a bit general dont you think?

How proud you must be.

Actually he's a "Yat"

No jury evah gonna convict me!

Wouldn't it be easier to call your self 10 liter boiling flask.  Or better yet 3 gallon for us Americans?

Wouldn't it be easier to call your self 10 liter boiling flask.  Or better yet 3 gallon for us Americans?

The New York Times is stealing my ideas.

The New York Times is stealing my ideas.

Do not taunt Flarp

Do not taunt Flarp