
Must have added a few layers to listening to Elvis Presley

Watching this ep
I remember when it premiered back in the day and watching it. The idea was completely sold on the mix and match of JS stand up with a sitcom. i didn't think much about the actual story from the first one (before we really knew who these characters would become) and it seemed like the standard

It was pretty good. Its amazing how well everything works to make this story so tense.

Thank You Nathin
Ive always had trouble finding the words to sum up a Train song. Your sentence above is the best Ive ever seen.

Someone had to say it.

The Happening
This movie was better than it gets credit for. Even a bad MNS movie is better than most other peoples good movies. His cinematic style should at least get some recognition

Oh wait was he the guy stealing cigarettes?

Explanation for a Chicken Fried Steak.