
Ironically, that isn't the actors' singing. It's dubbed.

The Philadelphia Story is the one for me. That movie is fantastic.

So it's Neon Demon in the music world?

C'mon, at least The Apple has the least subtle come-on song ever: it's so unapologetic about it it at least deserves your respect.

The Village People singing about milkshake from that movie (no, seriously, they are tasked with a MILK COMMERCIAL SONG in the movie. I couldn't invent it if I tried) was a fantastic disaster.

I still feel like Sextette is the worst Alice Cooper movie. Monster Dog is at least entertaingly awful. Sextette is just… sad.

Remember that he was the one who wanted the Star Wars Holiday Special to focus on unsubtitled wookies, which only hipsters from a galaxy far far away would appreciate.

This season they have literally SPLIT her in two; Regina and The Evil Queen, who's become the main villain of the season. They still haven't addressed the fact that she (and Zelena, and Arthur) are rapists, but I guess it's a start…

NCIS, not CSI.

I feel the problem with Rory being the absolute worst in AYITL is the fact that the show doesn't acknowledge it. The original series did acknowledge when Rory fucked up and there were consequences, this treats her as the epitome of a Mary Sue when she does even worse.

The italian word for magicienne?

Night Train To Busain Fine…

America can't help recopy hit movies from other countries, film at 11. This sounds like the whole REC-Quarantine debacle.

Well, Elsa was a ratings grasp, but Maleficent was a character in the show since season 1…

This episode was like the other three; pretty damn good with the adult characters, beyond awful with the younger ones, especially Rory. I don't understand why, especially, they decided to make her come off as pretty much terrible person; unprofessional, snobby, entitled, arrogant…
And notes to ASP if AYITL gets a

Yet another 'genius director who's a totally awful excuse for a human being' after Woody Allen.

I assume you've missed quite a lot throughout the series, huh?

You'd love it here in Italy. MSW has never left the air since the late 80s. NEVER.

Midsomer must be a wasteland by now! Every episode has slightly less victims than a slasher movie.

I'd add DEAD LIKE ME. It's a coming of age story in supernatural clothing, where a cynical young woman ends up dying… and finding herself with a new, unpaid job and a series of very important responsibilities, which include a new outlook on life.