
It got to a point where it ended up becoming just plain greed (if I remember well, she admits as much in the latter part of the film) to the point where I was wondering 'how are you going to be able to take care of your sister if you're DEAD?' and I honestly thought this movie was going to end with Rocky dying and the

I feel like this movie lost itself when the whole 'turkey baster' thing came on, and I think the wrong character survived, as arrived to that point, I could still pity the Blind Guy for how tragedy had warped him, but I LOATHED Rocky, because her need for the money had actually turned into greed and led to Alex's

Sorry, but I'll wait for the movie to hit DVD, since the last movie Alvarez wrote was absolutely dire except for one character that he then proceeded to kill off for the totally annoying, pretty Deus Ex Machinad Final Girl with the sob story that was supposed to make me sympathize with her but left me really cold

Actually it's a cute romdramedy with truly awful and unfunny gross out scenes, like the wedding dress shop scene which was a real groaner. The only funny scene was on the plane, but it was waaay too short.

Not really, no. I kinda liked Bridesmaids, and I can see that there's some good even in that overrated POS that is The Heat (even though it's pretty much a truly awful buddy comedy where the main roles have barely been gender-switched and are a waste of McCarthy and Bullock, the latter of which, sadly, doesn't seem to

Lo-Fidelity Allstars' Battleflag will never not remind me of the ER stabbing episode, 'Be Still My Heart'.


So… BW1: Pretty mediocre and unscary, more Bleh Witch than Blair Witch
BW2: More interesting idea (the contrast between what we remember and what the camera records… Any more movies about that?) but pretty badly excuted
BW3: Maybe entertainingly bad in an 'Artiste' way?

I saw the ending as a metaphor for her getting the strength for fighting depression, but hey! It's art, and subjective…

My B&S favorite episode is the one with the birthday party in season 1.

Black female teenager gets called Iron MAN?

It's really cheesy, like a good friday the 13th sequel (ie 2 through 6). It's gonna replace PLL as my cheesefest summer love.

I will see it for free anyway. I have three free movie tickets this month to use, might as well use one for this.

I read the shit out of books or ebooks, mostly thrillers or gay romance, or both.

As I already stated, the only way this isn't going to suck on arrival is to switch the genders. It at least would be different.

Shark Jumping is both the channel and the main series, in which they analyze a show to find where did the shark jumpage happen. Once A Pilot is a sort-of spinoff.

Yes, and the worst thing? There's a sequel book, 'After You'.

Well, it might've worked for RZ's HalloweeN, but H2 not so much. And I can't believe I forgot Hannibal Rising… wait, I can.