A Good Man and Thorough

Thank god, our long national nightmare has ended.

They actually had to change the character in TLOU because it looked too much like Ellen Page, and she was "starring" in Beyond Two SOuls at the time.

I too, enjoyed it on the basis that the they took the premise and tried to do something different with it.

Ha! What a stupid, made-up, phony name.

Never too late! I hadn't played in 15 years, then I got the bug real bad, and got out there and found a group. Now I play every week with a new group of friends.

Ahem. Swear jar.


A fantastic underground hip-hop CD called Neo-ELO Alpha. I bought it because of its intriguing PS1-style cover art and it turned out to be one of my favorite hip-hop albums. Very Deltron 3030-like, with the gimmick being that each track represents a level in a game.

A lot of it hinges on the fact that almost all of what Dany knows about her childhood comes from what Viserys told her, who is unreliable at best.

Lately I've been leaning more toward R+L=D and B+A=J
Alt-Shift-X on YouTube makes a great case for it

You say jumped the shark like it's a bad thing, but I'll have you know: There was an episode of Happy Days where the Fonz LITERALLY jumped over a shark. And it was the best episode EVER.

His campaign slogan was "Get on the raft with Taft."

They are Benjen. It is known.

HBO: "Hey, Beastmaster's On!"

Kim Stanley Robinson is fantastic at world building. After reading his Mars Trilogy, you feel as though you have traveled the red planet for hundreds of years.

So say it once, say it loud:

I recall the day Ben Richards visited Bakersfield.

The guy who wrote and directed "The Spirit" called people pond scum.

Yeah and I and I'll beat a body down wit' an alunimum* bat

I like squirrels! I really, really, like squirrels!