
It's impressive that on a base full of amoral assholes, Huey is by far the worst.

At least Ocelot knows he's a piece of shit. Miller thinks he's a good guy.


To quote Jeff Gerstmann: "Miller is a piece of shit who hates fun."

I think I'm going to request Pathfinder. Fuck that movie.

Doomed Planet. Desperate Scientists. Last Hope. Kindly Couple.

That stupid fucking moon egg…

"Fix the cigarette lighter."

I enjoy the Eragon book series, which seems to put me in the minority.

The only thing I remember about Indian in the Cupboard was that a preview for it was on a VHS tape of Toy Story (I think.)

Uh…. nervous coughing…

Lauren Lapkus… 4 syllables… 4… Washington Lane… the next clue is at the White House!

The Lost World book is one of my favorite Crichton novels.

This is why I never leave my house without a mask with a face on it on the back of my head.

Hey let's tone down the salty language.

I am sooooo happy I gave up on this show mid season.

Cordelia Vorkosigan should be on this list.

Garry realizing they were talking about the creation of breakfast cereal is one of my all time favorite podcast moments.

Whenever Watto's not on screen, all the other characters should be asking "Where's Watto?"

21. Elected Monarchy?????