
Clever girl.

You gotta laugh! Now let's watch these two horses punch each other to death!

That sounds crazy! It would never work!


Maybe they should sink 200 million dollars into it just to make sure it's a hit.

U2 should make one. Maybe team up with Marvel and make a Spider-man based musical.

Don't forget to ask about the t-shirts.

Just saw the musical tonight. Really liked it.

Scott: "This is the song that I think you would know by U2 here we go.."
(Plays the opening verse of Cheers Theme. Todd doesn't get it.)
Todd: "No this isn't him"
Scott: "No this is him."
Cheers theme:"Sometimes you want to go…"
Todd: "Oh shut u-" (starts laughing)


It's time for "Let's be Frank"

Looks like I need to start digging a hole to China…

I give this half a star.

Well, blerg.


Keith David and I are going to expose you! I just need to get in a vicious fight with him. Also do you have a pair of glasses I can borrow?

I kinda doubt that, but any reason to get HIMYM outta here works for me.

Put Sonia on that tournament STAT!

But in another, more accurate way, Breaking Bad is the winner.

On a related note, no other comments were showing up until I refreshed. That's some egg on my face.