
It takes a good singer to sing poorly like that. America is a treasure :)

Superstore is SO good this season. I loved this episode.

They REALLY need to do better with their shots if they want anyone to think this is Seattle. The first episode first of all had way too many palm trees, and also, the space needle isn't visible in EVERY part of the city. It takes away big time from the story with such obvious poor shots.

I'm not a big Orlando fan my any means, I just think objectively, it's like comparing someone with super star good looks, to the good looking guy in your university class :)

I disagree…. throughout the last season we saw Danny as his true self, which is selfish and misogynistic.

You're wrong about the Orlando Bloom thing Lyona, I'm sorry to tell you this, but you're wrong.

That part KILLED ME! I was so sad… and so was he. This episode was rough.

So does Crackle for free….

You win the internet today.

I can't believe that wasn't in the stray observations … easily the best line.

Yes… it's the video games and violent music make kids violent argument. We can delight in watching people be bad people, and feel schaedenfreude when bad things happen to people. It's just human nature, not problematic.

Yep… every time she said "asshole" I chuckled.

See just because you don't want Leslie to be a Hillary fan doesn't mean she wouldn't have been… she 100% would have been. Leslie is pro-government and pro-women. She would have been for Hillary from the start.

Yep - still watching! Interesting to see this turn he's taken, but still goes with the duffus thing. Give someone a bit of power and their true ways come out!!
Also, continuing to love Todd.

Samesies… plus, Jake Ryan… swoon!

We don't find out where the money comes from UNTIL later… so I dont think there's an issue here.

A self-published one too ;)

Agree with the benadryl 100%. Vet says 1 mg/lb. I also like rescue remedy.

It is legit and works so well. My friend's dog was a total shelter mess. Couldn't walk outside, didn't interact with any humans, with some help and a Thundershirt he is a totally different dog! It makes them feel secure.

My dog requires a thundershirt for anxiety after one balloon pop… geeez.